CS50 Progress: Week One

Published in Computer Science - 1 min to read

I'm pleased to report that I just submitted a short programme in C for encrypting a string using the Vigenère cipher, and in so doing I have completed week one of CS50x.

Despite it only being week one, there have been 3 problem sets thusfar, although admittedly the first one was just to make something fun in Scratch. They have already been quite challenging, and I am under the impression that it is going to ramp up pretty quickly, so I am kinda scared. It is easy to procrastinate working on the problems too - I have found that when I feel like that, I have to force myself to write any kind of code, even if it is complete garbage, and then debug and refactor it all later.

I'm only one week in, but it's been fun so far. I'm excited to watch some more of David Malan's epic lectures and get cracking on the next problem set tomorrow.