Super Meat Boy

Published in Video Games - 1 min to read

Edmund McMillen’s 2010 indie platformer gem “Super Meat Boy” is almost certainly my favourite indie title ever, at the very least it is the one that I have sunk the most hours into.

It’s everything an indie game ought to be - relatively simple but exceptionally polished mechanics, great level design and a killer soundtrack. The minimal storyline doesn’t get in the way of the fact that SMB is all about the gameplay, and trying to conquer it’s often excruciatingly difficult selection of levels.

As I started it up again today, I was a little worried I’m going to get sucked in and sink another 100 hours into trying to 100% the Cotton Alley. If I start writing about how I haven’t been outside for days and can’t remember what any food other than ramen tastes like, send help…