Adjusting For Your Own Biases

Published in Personal Development - 1 min to read

One of the things I am wholly indebted to the poker lifestyle for is an awareness of my own biases. A lot of the discussion surrounding poker’s mental game revolves around how to identify and correct for biases in your decision making, in order to improve said decisions, and now I do my best to question my own biases in other aspects of life. Arrogantly, I think I do so reasonably well - at the very least better than I did pre-poker - but this is only half the battle, and I worry I am very much losing the second half. If you know you’re biased towards one option when making a decision, how do you actually go about correcting for it? Over-correcting is just as unhelpful as being biased in the first place… How can you quantify bias, without ending up in some levelling-war death-spiral? Hang on, I think my nose is bleeding…