As part of a bet with a friend, I wrote almost every day for four years, and unsurprisingly, that means that a lot of the posts here are not very good. Fortunately these days I post far less often, but try to ensure that what I write is of a respectable quality. You can also browse by category or browse by series.
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Giving What I Can
I’ve read several LinkedIn posts on why people chose to take the Giving What We Can Pledge...
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Concrete Ways I Use AI
Below is a list of concrete uses I’ve had for AI tools in the past month... -
ZSA Voyager Review
For the last 6 months I’ve been using a ZSA Voyager, a built-to-order split mechanical keyboard that cost me £300, including shipping costs from Taiwan... -
What I've Got Wrong and Right In My Career
I’ve made some huge mistakes in my career so far - things that have cost me learning opportunities, promotions, and sometimes my mental health... -
Is This Water?
Content warning: suicide. You meet someone who claims to be a prophet... -
Beeminding My Own Business
What if the currency of procrastination and ill-discipline was not regret, but the American dollar?..
If you want to read more, check out the archive.