Big Company Opportunities

Published in Career - 2 mins to read

One of the things I am loving about working at a large company is that there’s so many cool events in the calendar I can just show up to. Last week we had a talk from the CEO of a VC company invested in us, and he shared some of his wisdom on our company, the industry, and the world at least. Considering his wealth he was surprisingly down-to-earth and humble, and reminded me of Bill Perkins a lot. This week I’ve already attended a workshop data pipelines (which was open to the whole company), and a meetup for engineers (all 174 of us) where several people presented and I got to learn about parts of our stack I have yet to touch as well as some helpful tools and general tricks. There’s a two hour React workshop that I’m half considering attending. Next week we have a speaker coming in to talk to us on International Women’s Day about getting more women into STEM, and tech in particular.

I’m incredibly wary of companies that try to market themselves as “families” to their current or prospective employees, and I think on principle I’m never going to let myself feel that way. But it is nice to feel like my company is its own community, and a pretty good one at that.