
Published in Misc - 1 min to read

Last week I bought a bonsai tree, naïvely assuming they would be as easy to care for as cacti. This week I learned that this is in fact not the case, and they are quite demanding as far as plants go. Most bonsai aren't even meant to be kept in doors - fortunately I accidentally bought one that is. I have to mist it, and try to keep it as humid as possible by leaving it near an open window and keeping its saucer full of water. It needs regular attention and I must care for its needs - what started as an ornament is rapidly becoming more like a pet.

At first I was frustrated at my own idiocy and sought to take it out on the plant - to wreak vengeance by leaving it in the dry and the dark. But now I think I can grow to like it - as we sit side by side on the windowsill, and I gently spray its petite leaves with filtered water, our bond will strengthen and we might yet fall in love with one another.