Calorie Counting

Published in Diet and Fitness - 1 min to read

I refuse to make another post about why I want to lose weight, how hard I am finding it etc. so I will try to keep this one short and to the point.

For the last few months I have been trying to eat less but without tracking what I'm eating, I have tried intermittent fasting, cutting various things out of my diet, cutting out alcohol, probably 100 other things. Sure, they all might help, but if I am still eating 3000 calories a day then it doesn't matter at all. I suppose it is the effort involved with logging my calories that I am trying to avoid, but today I finally accepted reality. The only way I am going to be able to effectively monitor and make changes to my diet is going to be to track everything I eat and drink, as laborious as that may be.

I feel as if I have tried numerous alternative solutions only to arrive at the obvious answer, which in a sense I knew from the beginning. It's kinda funny to think about how often I do this in almost every area of my life. I guess I am too stubborn for my own good.