Chemistry Homework

Published - 2 mins to read
One evening last week, at 11:30pm, my brother came into my room and asked me to do his chemistry homework for him, as it was due the next day and he had not done it. While I was about to go to bed, his sleep before school is more important than mine, so I agreed to do it, mostly to see if I could still hack GCSE chemistry. It was a series of questions where you are given the answer already, but you have to show the steps to get there. It took me a while to work out how to do it, but eventually, at about 1:30am, I had completed all 11 questions with full working, except for the last question, where I simply couldn't get my answer to match the one given on the worksheet. I checked and checked again, but at this point I was tired and thought I would just look at it again in the morning.

So I got up at 6:45am to let my brother copy it down in his handwriting, and while he wrote out the first 10 answers, I looked over the 11th again, but I still could not work out what I had got wrong, I had used the exact same technique for all the other questions and arrived at the right answers, so I was baffled. Eventually I said to Charlie "I have triple checked this last question but I can't work out how to get the answer on the sheet, maybe it's wrong", but assured him that his chemistry teacher was far less likely to make a mistake than I was, so he'd probably just lose marks on that question. We agreed that was fine, given it might be a little suspicious if he turned in an answer sheet that was all correct, as he often struggles in chemistry.

Today I asked Charlie if he'd had his chemistry homework back. He said yes, I'd got everything correct, and the answer on the sheet for the last question was wrong, but my answer was correct. Still got it, baby.