Critical Thinking

Published - 1 min to read
One thing I think my brother struggles with is critically analysing the information he is bombarded with daily - he has grown up with social media and broadly unfiltered internet access his whole life, so it's not really his fault. Information has changed a lot even in the relatively short period of time between us - once, in order to have a platform to broadcast your opinions and ideas, they had to reside vaguely within the bell-curve of true-ish. But now, thanks to the magic of algorithms, dopamine addiction and capitalism, information is now longer evaluated on its proximity to the truth or validity of any supporting body of evidence, instead our social discourse is polarised, and only the voices at either end of the spectrum are heard. This is, uh, obviously bad, and I don't really think I need to explain why. 

What I am interested though, is trying to help Charlie evaluate this "information" for what it is - unlikely to be actual information. I don't really know how though, so wish me luck.