Giving It All Up And Becoming a Farmer

Published in Wellbeing / Technology - 1 min to read

In the spirit of being more healthy in every possible way, I am back to fantasising about quitting my software job, renouncing technology altogether and becoming a farmer. Or maybe an old school lumberjack, with impressive facial hair, a plaid shirt and a good old fashioned axe, not one any of this modern chainsaw nonsense. As much as part of me loves my phone, PC and the Internet, they aren’t exactly wholesome, and wholesomeness is something I want a lot more of in my life right now.

I doubt it’s ever going to happen, it would be a huge leap outside of my comfort zone and one that I don’t think I will be willing to take for quite a while, if ever. But it is a nice idea, and perhaps one which I can continue to fantasise about, or take some baby steps towards.