Playing at Being an Adult II

Published in Personal - 2 mins to read

After some thinking and a couple of interesting conversations following my first post on playing at being an adult, I am quite seriously reconsidering my position. I missed out one key advantage of being an adult, although admittedly it is something of a double edged sword. Adults have to accept the burden of responsibility over their own lives, but their reward for doing so is greater autonomy, and the chance to be the masters of their own destiny.

Perhaps now is the time for me to transition into adulthood. I feel primed to cast off the notion that I’m a victim, to accept that something doesn’t have to be my fault to be my responsibility, and to stop waxing lyrical in this blog about the changes I’m going to make in my life, and actually start making them.

I’ve never felt particularly in control of my own fate, and perhaps that is why I have historically felt so uneasy in my hometown, or in academia, or at the prospect of getting a desk job. It very much feels like there’s been a path laid out before me, constituted primarily of those things, and part of me was resistant to that idea - not resistant enough to change it much though. Maybe that was my life as a child, and my life as an adult will be to stand up for what I believe in, to take ownership of my future, and to ultimately do what I want to do, rather than what I feel obligated to do.

See other posts in the Playing at Being an Adult series