The Purpose Of The Blog

Published in Misc - 2 mins to read

After reflecting yesterday that I wanted to be better at listening, I have been wondering whether writing this blog every day would be in contradiction of that stated aim. At least for now, I don’t think they are, but it seems appropriate to reiterate the whole point of writing this blog once again, for clarity in my own mind if nothing else.

These posts are not written with the expectation of being read - in many ways I would prefer the opposite were true. There are no illusions on my part about my voice being worthy of recognition or deserving of being heard, the act of speaking into the void is what the aim is.

In writing about difficult, stigmatised, shameful things on the internet, they are easier to talk about in person, now I know that anybody could go and read them already should they so choose, and I have less to hide. In writing about positive, wholesome things I can remind myself that there is enough beauty in the world not to be disparaged by what I read in the news. Everything in between is a journal of sorts, snapshots of the present that I can look back on and re-immerse myself in at some unspecified point in the future.

I think it’s a nice balance to have.