The Value of Conversation

Published in Personal - 1 min to read

If there's one thing that Chicago Joey taught me, it's how to talk to women that you should never fold to 3bets in PLO the value of conversation.

Today, a particularly wise friend of mine asked if my anxiety had ever served me well. I'd never really considered it before, but the answer was yes - there had been times when avoiding people, or heavily censoring my own thoughts and feelings had been the appropriate response to the situation I was in. The problem is that now I have learned this behaviour, its lingering presence in my psyche is no longer useful to me, and it has dug its quivering, sweaty heels in, so to speak.

Having a simple, honest conversation with someone I respected gave me this gem of pure clarity and insight into my own life, a conclusion that I may never have arrived at on my own. People are wonderful, thank you Joey.