Things That Are More Therapeutic Than Therapy XIV: Sunbathing

Published in Wellbeing - 1 min to read

I have spent a lot of time in the past few months complaining about it being cold, and it’s been similarly overcast and dreary, as one might expect given the legendary reputation of British weather. This weekend the clouds finally relented and gave way to glorious sunshine and 20ºC heat so I went to Brighton and indulged in some sunbathing.

I know I’ve spent a lot of my life refusing to leave my room and so it’s pretty ironic to be writing a blog about how great sunbathing is, but here we are. Feeling the heat on my skin was so relaxing, and it seemed like the sun was transferring its energy directly to me. I could lie there for hours, especially if I had my kindle to hand too, and forget about the world for a little bit. Like floating, it is another activity during which I gave myself permission to do nothing, to be achieving nothing, and to simply lie there rather than striving to achieve anything. Other than a tan, obviously.

It remains to be seen how many other opportunities I’m going to get to indulge in basking in the sun’s rays this summer, but I’m cautiously optimistic. I think it’ll be good for me.