Time Poor

Published in Personal - 1 min to read

Once again I find myself time poor, unable to complete everything on my to do list and also to spend much time relaxing (read: playing Rocket League). I don’t have as much time as I’d like to write this post, as I am keen to get to bed before getting up early and running tomorrow, so apologies for its brevity. I don’t think there is a huge amount of inefficiency in my day that I could streamline to generate more time - everything I do is pretty deliberate, even if that does include browsing Reddit or simply doing nothing, both activities serve a purpose to keep me sane and I value them. Perhaps I can outsource or automate? There’s already a script that generates the files for these posts to save me 30s a day, and I don’t think there’s much else in my personal life that is ripe for being done programmatically.

Polyphasic sleep it is…