Windows Terminal

Published in Technology / Programming - 1 min to read

Windows Terminal is on the way and I am very excited for it, because that means there will finally be a CLI I can use on Windows which has tabs… seriously, how did it take so long?! For me, PowerShell has always paled in comparison to both iTerm2 and guake which I use on other systems, in terms of flexibility and functionality as well as the whole tab shebang. Not only that, but being able to seemlessly add WSL tabs where I can script in bash and actually know the commands will be a godsent, rather than having to do the weird mish-mash of dotnet commands in PowerShell and then do everything else in my Ubuntu shell like I’m currently doing, which is a nightmare.

Given my currently massive preference for VSCode over competing editors, if Terminal is everything it promises to be then I think I might be back on the Microsoft development hype train.