Having spent some time recently talking and thinking about how I frame my various goals, I think doing so through the lens of health is the way to go. I would like to be healthier emotionally, mentally and physically, and in some way I think my existing goals already all funnel into these, but they’ve never been the primary focus. Now, I think having health as an overarching objective will let me view things in a much, umm, healthier way, which will hopefully bleed into being happier as well.
Weight loss can hopefully no longer be mired in a belief that I will magically be happier if I am thinner - instead the aim is to be physically fitter, strong, have a lower resting heartrate, run faster and climb more effectively. Habits and relationships will be examined through the context of my own emotional wellbeing - it might feel easy to procrastinate or to remain in my social comfort zone, but are those the healthiest choices? Surely not, and hopefully thinking thusly will encourage me to make better ones.