Making The Most Of Holidays

Published in Personal - 2 mins to read

I’ve not done an especially good job of making the most of my holiday allowance this year. Of course there have been plenty of good reasons for that - I had just started a new job, I moved to a new city, and for the majority of the year travel has been inadivsable if not impossible. During my past couple of efforts to take a holiday, I’ve stayed in London, and without a doubt tried to do way too much with my time. When I’m not on holiday I try to cram far too much into my week, and so when I am on holiday, what I really need is to have really very little planned, and simply do whatever I’m in the mood for each day, even if that is to stay in my apartment and watch Netflix for 12 hours.

My out of office is now on until Tuesday, and not only do I need a break from work, I need a break from my life, which has all got a bit much in recent weeks. To that end, I have tried to do as much as possible so that when I get on the train to Glasgow later today, I am leaving as much stress, worry and general emotional baggage behind as possible. I’ve pre-written all the blog posts I need to, I’ve cleaned my apartment, I’ve changed my sheets, I’ve taken the bins out, I’ve sent emails about flats and tattoos, I’ve even gotten a haircut specially. I’m hoping to digitally detox as much as possible in Scotland, to try to find a little bit of the feeling that I have during trail races - that of a connection with nature, a sense of what really matters and a clarity of thought on what’s best for me - but hopefully with less physical suffering involved.

I am particularly excited for Sunday, where our plan it to watch the London marathon, eat and drink. AKA do nothing.