Positive Juice II

Published in Wellbeing / Mental Health - 2 mins to read

Well, I got a food processor, which I guess counts as a juicer, but sadly I’ve still yet to come across the Wagamama’s recipe for positive juice. Nearly a year later, I think the idea still has a lot of merit, but perhaps there are better ways to chase the alleged benefits of the aforementioned blended fruit concoction.

I want to be a more positive person - in fact, I would like this to serve as a public commitment to me working hard to become a more positive person. The evidence seems compelling that “faking it until I make it”, with regards to writing and speaking about myself in higher regard, is going to lead to higher self esteem and greater happiness.

I’m scared to stop being so cynical, particularly about myself. I have traditionally argued that I would prefer to be self-deprecating than arrogant, but in truth, there is a lot of comfort in playing the victim. That narrative allows me to shirk responsibility, to wrap myself in the warm blanket of supposed blamelessness for my own actions. It’s an insurance policy against potential future failures; if I think little of myself, I can write off these failures as inevitabilities and I-told-you-sos.

But no more. I want to be the master of my own destiny, I want to be a good person and have a good future for myself. In order to do that, I’m gonna have to start sipping on some positive juice.

See other posts in the Positive Juice series