WCS Spring

Published in Esports - 1 min to read

I had a lot of productive things on my todo list this week, including a lot of work on this website and the Guernsey chess site as well, but then today I woke up, checked reddit, and saw this beautiful game at the top of r/starcraft and realised that I was not in fact going to get anything done today whatsoever. It’s been a lovely evening of being sat in front of my desk, sipping my matcha juice trying to recover from my hangover, and watching the best Starcraft that everywhere-except-Korea has to offer.

As always the games have been thrilling, with some innovative strategies, cunning psychological tricks and phenomenal mechanical ability on display from players throughout the day. Seeing some young players do exceptionally well (three of the last 16 players in the event are 17) battling veterans that have been in the scene for over 10 years shows that Starcraft is still alive and kicking, and it really does seem like the gap might be closing. With GSL’s redemption and renaissance storylines in full swing, and the Koreans showing remarkable depth of talent in their league, I think this year’s international tournaments are set to be some of the most fiercely competed yet.