Jonny Spicer

I like running really far, figuring out how to be happier and setting ambitious goals. I’m interested in artificial intelligence, Effective Altruism, meditation, prediction markets, climbing, coffee, tattoos, and plenty more.

In 2023 I took the Giving What We Can Pledge to donate 10% of my income to effective charities, for the rest of my career. You can read more about my reasons for doing so, and I’m always happy to talk in greater detail about this, including with people I don’t yet know.

I’m also a software engineer by trade, and I’ve worked for big and small companies across a range of different tech stacks and disciplines.

If you want, you can learn a bit more about me, and if you’d like to know even more than that, you can ask me, by getting in contact. If you have feedback you’d like to give me anonymously, you can do so here (if you’re worried that your feedback might hurt my feelings, are unsure if your feedback would be useful, or are generally on the fence, please err on the side of giving it anyway; I view seeking honest feedback as a way to cultivate agency.

This site is primarily a home for my blog. You can read the latest post, and if you’re a regular reader, that link will always be my most recent offering, so you can bookmark it.

I've written a lot over the past few years. There's 1358 posts in the archive for a total of approximately 411915 words. That means the whole thing would take about 27 hours and 27 minutes to read, but I'm really hoping nobody has that much free time on their hands.