Happy Blogoversary

Published in Blogging - 1 min to read

Another excerpt from my journal, written four years ago today:

Made a new last longer bet with Ted/Mica to see who can write a public blog post daily for the longest time. I am confident I will beat Mica but think beating Ted is going to be tough.

My assessment was obviously correct (sorry Mica), but at the time I definitely didn’t imagine that I’d end up writing over 1000 posts or over 300,000 words. I may not have managed it every day for the past four years, and have lost the bet a couple of times, but I still think writing a post for ~83% of the days in the last four years is pretty impressive.

I think it’s time to go back and start another re-read of some of my old posts, to see what things I’ve forgotten, what will make me smile and what will make me cringe. Here’s to four more years.